Request Trace

Request Trace is a log for request and response that user captures for services. It provides a way to determine what exactly is happening with a request and how long each step took in the pipeline.  This menu consists of two menu items:

  • Request Trace
  • JMS Message

Request Trace

  1. Go to Request Trace menu on the Service Virtualization Home page then click the Request Trace menu item. The Request Trace window is displayed.
Figure 164: Request Trace
  1. There are following sections in this window
    • Request Date/Time: The date/time when request is generated.
    • Response Date/Time: The date/time when response is generated.
    • From IP:Port: IP and port of the requesting service.
    • Service Name: Name of the service to which request belongs to.
    • Request URL: The requested URL.
    • Response Template Used: The template used for response.
    • Parameter Value: Value of JMS parameters applied.
    • Request Data: This section displays the request data.
    • Response Data: This section displays the response data.
    • Correlation ID: for matching request with the response in trace.


When user click on any row of this list, then request and response data comes in below area.

By default, system displays 15 logs out of total, but can change it to any number of records.

  • Request Payload: A request payload is a data that clients send to the server in the body of an HTTP POST, PUT or PATCH message that contains important information about the request.
  • Request: A request displays the request header with a request payload.
  • Response Payload: A response payload is a data that the client receives from the server after sending the request.
  • Response: A response displays the response header with the response payload.
  • Beautify: It is used for formatting or beautifying the sample request and response template in a well-structured format. The sample request and response template can be in the following types:
  • Text
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • XML
  • JSON



JMS Message

The purpose of a JMS application is to produce and to consume messages that can then be used by other software applications. JMS messages have a basic format that is simple but highly flexible, allowing user to create messages that match formats used by non-JMS applications on heterogeneous platforms.

To view the JMS messages, go to Request Trace menu and click the JMS Message menu item. The JMS message information is displayed.

Figure 165: JMS Message Configuration

This window contains following columns:

  • Date/Time: Enables the user to search a particular message by a specific date/time of the message.
  • JMS Server Type: Used to search a particular message by the type of JMS server. Shows the JMS type- TIBCO, Kafka and IBMMQ.
  • JMS Server IP/Port:  This field is used to search a particular message by the JMS servers IP/Port.
  • Queue/Topic: Queue is responsible to hold the message until receiver is ready. Topic is used as a message oriented middleware that is responsible to hold and deliver messages. The user can either select ‘Topic’ or ‘Queue’.
  • Message Type: This field is used to search a particular message by its type.
  • Message: This option is used to search a particular message by the name of the message.
  • JMS Message: the user has to provide the message which is to be passed in the JMS message. In JMS message there are following Format/Beautify options available:
  • TEXT
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • XML
  • JSON